jP Hair Dye Shampoo with Argan Oil Dark Brown 3 in 1 400 ml
198,38 SAR 121,90 SAROFF: 39%
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(العربية) جي بيشامبو صبغىة زيت الارجان من جي بي يحتوي على زيت الارجان ليعطي لمعاناً لشعرك والصبار للترطيب المكثفبالأضافة الى الكيراتين الذي يمنح الشعر القوة ويجعله ناعماًوكثيفاً.
It gives your hair a healthy shine and a 100% gray coverage in just 30 minutes. Best white hair dye shampoo with high quality and luxurious natural formula, there will be no side effects to your hair or scalp. GB Argan Oil Dye Shampoo contains a formula of argan oil that gives shine to your hair and aloe vera for intense hydration, in addition to keratin that gives hair strength and makes it soft and thick.